Finance Update
Bank Balance - $25k
$3800 liability insurance
$900 FroRo costs
New members/subscriptions - check Payments on Wix
Upcoming expenses - $1k DNO insurance - Beckville expenses (get dumpster) - Maz reimbursement
Recap of latest event
March in FroRo - ~40 ppl
Vending uptick during quiet hours
Concern around "IEDs" and impact on the communities around us
All clubs face this problem (NLPC / PA Pyros lost sites over this)
prohibit 1.3g salutes
define guidelines for max salute sizes and publish for any event
limit salutes to a defined time (one hour, 2 @ 30 mins, etc.)
be clear and message rules/limits up front
enforce rules
Upcoming shoots
Beckville and PGI-DOC Course
Dumpster order
Community outreach to smooth feathers
FD there Sat for sure - Fri possibility
Maz to contact Graylin for logistics
Bova to help with course
50/50 raffle
Updated use of CJML - to be discussed
DJO to review Board Only Blog Posts and Pages to ensure proper visibility
DEO II to develop Safety Briefing Checklist
Reiterate Site Rules
make sure everyone has bracelets
Fileshare for documents - Maz to move stuff from G Drive
NLPC shared events in Sept - too much going on to support this - counter with 2-day in Culpeper
Pre safety briefing Safety Officer Training
dos & don't laminated cheat-sheet
"no lighting and discharging of pyro devices outside of the designated areas" (e.g., no dumpsters, parking areas, roadway, etc.)
Bova Seminar "how to assess salute sizes"!